Crochet Havana Jumbo Twists by Jorie Hair

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havana jumbo twist So I did my twists and got a lot of people asking me about the style and how to get it. I currently live in the UK and the twists were not widely available here, plus shipping to the UK from the US was very high as well as slow. The installation was very easy and I would recommend crochet twists for everyone. HOW MANY PACKS DID YOU USE? You can basically use 6 packs of Havana Twists for your hair if you are getting the 24" but for the 12" I would recommend 6 - 7 packs minimum. These normally feature 12 strands per pack. All in all the hair is actually very light. HOW IS THE HAIR ATTACHED? You can do the hair yourself or get a professional to do it for you. My hair was first put into about 10 cornrows in the front which merged into 5 cornrows at the back. Then the oh so famous crochet latch hook below was used to attach the hair. I do promise a video update soon! It took my hairdresser a bit under 2 hours to complete the hairstyle. crochet latch hook DO MY CORNROWS SHOW & IS THE STYLE VERSATILE? The only reason my friends actually new it was crochet twists was when I actually told them. If your corn rows are laid down properly and your hair is full, then no one will ever know! I put the hair in a bun ... when it was time for the gym, half up half down style when I was feeling funky and just left it down most other days. HOW LONG DOES THE HAIR LAST FOR? Well, the twists are actually re-usable which is what I love about them. I left mine on for 1 and a half months and took them for hygiene reasons, but I do plan on using it again in the future. The best part of it was it was so easy to take out, unlike traditional twists where you have to cut and unravel.

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Shipping to the US can take 7 to 10 working days after you order to arrive Makiya!
We have more shipping info here :).|wp_publish_time=2017-09-10T20:27:37.000Z

Jorie Hair

How long does it take to get to Arkansas|wp_publish_time=2017-09-10T00:22:30.000Z

Makiya Wilkerson

I am looking for the 1b havana mumbo restock . I hope it’s soin cause i am going back to school|wp_publish_time=2017-08-15T15:25:28.000Z


I am looking for the 1b|wp_publish_time=2017-08-14T13:52:19.000Z


Hello Marie,

May I ask which colour you are looking for? We have 1B#, 4#, Ombre Burgundy#, Ombre Brown#, Ombre Grey# and Ombre Green# in stock.|wp_publish_time=2017-08-14T00:48:41.000Z

Jorie Hair

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