Crochet Braids: DIY Hair Jewelry For Dreadlocks Twists & Braids - Jorie Hair

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DIY Dreadlock and Twists Jewelry Hair jewelry can transform any box braids, twists, faux locs or crochet braids instantly. In this how to tutorial we are going to show you how to create your own unique spiral wire jewelry for your crochet braids or dreadlocks, so that you can make your own. DIY Wire Dreadlock & Box Braids Crochet Hair Jewelry Tutorial-1 First thing is first, you will need your tools: Wire jewellery Scissors Round Nose Pliers Small Makeup Brush (or any cylindrical shape that has similar thickness to the hair you will be using the jewlerry on) DIY Wire Dreadlock & Box Braids Crochet Hair Jewelry Tutorial-3 You can choose how long you want your spiral hair jelwery depending on the olength of your wire. Use scissors to cut the wire when you have chosen your desired length. Then get your round nose plier and wrap a small bit of the end of the wire around it to create a spiral. Get the other end of the wire and repeat the step above, so that you now have a little spiral on both ends of your wire. DIY Wire Dreadlock & Box Braids Crochet Hair Jewelry Tutorial-4 No that you have created spirals on both ends of the wire, you can then wrap it around your makeup brush or any long cylindrical object that it the thickeness of the hair. DIY Wire Dreadlock & Box Braids Crochet Hair Jewelry Tutorial-6 There you have it. Your very own hair jewellery, that you can apply to what ever you are rocking - be it dreads, faux locs, crochet braids or havana twists!

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what size and brand wire?|wp_publish_time=2023-04-07T15:38:04.000Z


We currently do not, just our website but we ship worldwide.|wp_publish_time=2017-06-26T05:41:36.000Z

Jorie Hair

hi, please do you have a shop or outlet in Nigeria.,|wp_publish_time=2017-06-22T10:14:59.000Z


Awesome stuff Bryan na! They are easy enough to find and can be made into so many different things :).|wp_publish_time=2016-06-11T06:58:09.000Z

Jorie Hair

This is a great idea! I love this, I might try these but with gold, or maybe even purple wire if I can find it|wp_publish_time=2016-06-10T17:44:13.000Z

Bryanna Greene

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